Indexing Database

SCIE Journals

Publication Opportunity in Premium publishers Journal which are indexed in SCIE & Scopus

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Scopus Journals

Publication Opportunity in Journals which are indexed in Scopus

  • Regular Issue
  • Special /Thematic Issue
Web of Science Publication

Web of Science subscription- based service gives you access to numerous databases with citation data for academic areas.

Google Scholar

Publication Opportunity in Journals which are indexed in Google Scholar and other premium index agencies

  • Regular Issue

ICAKMPET-2025 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.


About Conference

In the ever-evolving landscape of engineering and technology, the 5th International Conference on Advancing Knowledge from Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Engineering & Technology (ICAKMPET-2025),organized by Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP) Philippines Society. emerges as a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. Set to take place on January 24th and 25th, 2025, in the vibrant city of Cebu , Philippines, ICAKMPET-2025 beckons professionals, researchers, and academics from around the world to participate in a transformative experience.

Session and Track

ICAKMPET -2025 Sessions will actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Green Chemistry and Nanotechnology

  • Cleaner production & Green Energy
  • Green Nanotechnologies
  • Bio Materials & Medical Devices
  • Green Technologies
  • Sensor Materials $ Technologies
  • Green Economy
  • New Ideas for Non-Toxic by Products
  • Recycle Waste Content
  • Biosystems Engineering
  • Pollution prevention & control
  • Green Energy & Renewable Resources


  • Crop Processing Engineering
  • Agricultural processing Technology
  • Renewable Energy
  • Soil Health Management
  • Entomology & Micro Irrigation
  • Soil Mechanics
  • Agricultural Meteorology
  • Agricultural Microbiology
  • Disease & Pest Management
  • Automation in Farm Machinery
  • Tools & Tractors
  • Climate Resilient Agriculture
  • Postharvest Management
  • Agroecology

Energy And Environment

  • SAlternative Energy & the Environment
  • Environment
  • Power & Energy Engineering
  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainability
  • Technology & Environmental Science
  • Ecosystems

Education & Teaching

  • Digital Education
  • Special Education
  • Geographical Education
  • Health Education
  • Effective Teaching Pedagogies
  • Learning Styles & Learning Outcomes
  • Second Life Educators
  • Higher Education
  • International Education

Digitalization And Feature Technology

  • Accessibility to Disabled Users
  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • AI and Machine Learning
  • Privacy in digitalization
  • Artificial neurons
  • Data Structure.
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Hyperloop
  • Advancement in Data Security
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Advancement in Data forensics
  • Aviation Information Technology and system
  • Aero Engineering and Aircraft Maintenance Technology and System

Eco Science and Applied Science

  • Sustainability
  • Forensic Science
  • Biodiversity
  • Engineering Science
  • Social Science
  • Ecology
  • Space Science
  • Life science
  • Human Science
  • Physics,chemistry, and Other related areas

Business & Management

  • SME Development
  • Rural and Agri business
  • Environment Limits to Economic Development
  • Business Laws and Ethics
  • Consumer Behavior & Marketing
  • E-Business and Digitalization
  • Natural Resources & Security
  • Capital resources
  • Financing Entrepreneurship
  • Operational, Production Management
  • Small business Management
  • Human Resource Management

E-Commerce & Marketing

  • Artificial Intelligence & Retail
  • B2B Ecommerce
  • Communication and Network Technology
  • Ecommerce Software
  • Blockchain Security
  • Big Data Analysis
  • Information Security & Trusted Computing
  • Internet Economy
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Digital Branding
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media & Services

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Date

07th August, 2024

Abstract Submission Date

29th August, 2024

Full Paper Submission Date

15th September, 2024

Registration Deadline Date

28th September, 2024


Abstract/Paper Submission

Extraordinary submission process & the subsequent follow-up process under the mentioned guidelines



Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

  • ISSN: 2148-2403
African Journal of Biological Sciences.

  • ISSN : 2663-2187
The Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers

  • ISSN : 1989-9572
Proceedings on Engineering Sciences

  • ISSN : 2620-2832
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security

  • ISSN: 2073-607X
International journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

  • ISSN: 2147-6799

Reserve Your Slot Now

Admittance Category PHYSICAL VIRTUAL
Early Bird (USD) Final (USD) Early Bird (USD) Final (USD)
Student **
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support **
Student **
Delegates with Scopus Publication Support
Student with Scopus Publication Support **
* For Group / Bulk submission please contact +91 8015008054

Your Details

Select fee then click next Fill your Details

Payment Methods

There are three payment options available for the EdInnovate 2024: Innovations in Education and e-Learning. You can pay your registration fee through,

  • Online Payment (Using Credit/Debit Card)
  • Bank Transfer (TT)
  • PayPal

Before making the payment for the conference using any of the above methods, please contact the Conference Coordinator @ +91 8015008054 / email id:

Registration Guidelines

  • Please immediately notify us upon completing your registration by providing details of your payment.
  • After registering, participants must email us a scanned copy of the registration fee receipt or transaction proof.
  • Note that no modifications to the paper will be accepted after the final submission date.
  • Each registration permits attendance for one author or co-author.
  • Contact the coordinator promptly for registrations after the specified deadlines, either by writing or calling.
  • Following payment, download the Registration Form, complete it, and send it to

About Venue

Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery

Glimpses of Our Past Conferences

Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery Gallery